Saul Goodson is…
1. A guy who was born into a family and a community with a particular worldview.
2. A guy who left that community for a few years, saw some of the world, went to college, worked, and was forced after much internal struggle to change his worldview because it did not fit with what he saw in the world and learned about the world.
3. A compulsive writer who will be writing this stuff for his own benefit regardless of if anyone ever reads it. He doesn’t know what he thinks till he reads what he wrote. (He stole that line from someone he can’t remember) He figured he might as well publish it, maybe someone can benefit.
Saul Goodson is not…
1. Saul Goodson. He’s some other guy who lives in a community where the majority of people disagree with him on quite a few things. He has noticed that people’s basic beliefs very rarely come from a logical place, and arguing with them is completely futile. He chooses instead to get along and enjoy the relationships he has with the people he knows and loves.
2. An authority figure. The guy who Saul Goodson really is could be anyone. He could have a PHD in political science. He could be a carpenter, or a corporate type. Saul Goodson is getting extremely tired of ideas that can’t be challenged because they come some with a title who wears a suite. His ideas stand on their own and are open to criticism from anyone.
3. An ideologue. Saul Goodson does not believe that one religious, political, or philosophical ideology can possible be 100% correct. Saul Goodson is a staunch Saul Goodsonist and believes that everyone should be an insertyournamehere-ist. He believes that there are way too many ideologues in his home country the US, and that is a huge problem.
4. Always right. The good thing about Saul Goodsonism is that it can adapt to new information. That is the point of the whole exercise. If you disagree with Saul Goodson let him know. Tell him how he is wrong, mistaken, shortsighted or just stupid. He can take it.
Saul Goodson has a running document of ideas that could easily provide years worth of posts. And, ideas are put onto that document faster than he can use them to create the content for his blog, so it looks like he’ll be doing this for a while.